UI Vs API Automation
Which to focus more on..
UI automation is the first place most automation efforts start from
However, the products we are working with have most of the code written at the back end
While the front end has just a small amount of code we have added, all our testing efforts are focused there
With API / Web services automation, one can cover more code coverage
Besides, UI automation is comparatively time intensive, fragile and slow to execute
More on that here:
Correlation between shopping and testing?
After a long day of shopping, while me and my wallet were perspiring and thinking about testing, here’s what we feel:
Shopping considerations – function, fashion and price
The same goes for testing
Function – We need to be sure it does what it’s intended to do
Fashion – The design must feel right, sits well with the users
Price – The cost should justify the effort. Spending lots of effort on testing something trivial every release might not be wise
So next time when testing a feature, think of it as going shopping
To make the response homogeneous, imagine a shopping day with the family than just yourself.. 🙂
Perception of programming Vs Reality
Perception of programming Vs Reality
The “journey of a technical tester” walking through his experiences and what he learned:
Complete video:
Should we have written tests to automate?
Off course..
There is the argument against writing ‘typical’ test cases altogether
Regardless of where you are on that spectrum, steps to automate in a check need to be precise
And what we are automating is as important as how we automate it
Running automated checks itself is not the purpose
Rather facilitate testers by running 1 – “mundane” but 2 – “Necessary” checks,
So they can test more important features while the dumb work is done by a machine
Without carefully thought checks / tests, will be hard to achieve this
More on that here:
Unhappy with automation tools?
While some tools might have been ‘unfair’ over the years, that’s not the main problem
The main problem with automation I see is, “we don’t know the best way to approach it”
There are a few variables to analyze before you can decide the best way to do it
And generally tool vendors don’t (and probably can’t do) that job for you
While ‘some’ tools have exploited the market IMHO, it’s not just all them
We as a community are still evolving in this department
While a large part of the community is still confused with the OBJECTIVE of automation..
Kinda hard to be successful under such conditions..
Should you be a programmer to do automation well?
Short answer, yes. Long answer:
Firstly, learning programming is not as difficult as expected
Usually people just follow the wrong approach
That’s why I talk about developing the aptitude for algorithm design
Secondly, there are solutions out there recommending automation tools requiring no coding skills
These ‘Scriptless’ automation or keyword automation tools are not ‘sustainable’ and don’t work in the long run
Therefore one needs to learn programming and how to code well
Thirdly, IMHO testers should be ‘Technical’, without knowing what’s going on under the hood, they cannot test well
If you are capable of grasping that much, then learning programming would not be a problem
These topics were discussed in the #PSQC18 conference talk I gave:
The story of excellence
Henry ford and his V8 engine
Ford designed and rolled out 4 cylinder and a 6 cylinder cars back in 1909 and 1928
Both were great feats in itself, and not the only ones Ford had earned by that time..
Still he was not done yet.
He knew having more cylinders in the engine would allow for great performance benefits
His team of engineers worked on it for years, keep coming back to him saying it was ‘impossible’ to achieve
After years of pouring in finances and persisting, finally the impossible happened
Our sixth sense is a magnificent gift, one has to wonder how did Ford know this was going to work
But to trust your gut and keep persisting, that is how you truly get success.
So my fellow testers, let’s strive for ‘Technological Excellence”
Which tests to automate?
Someimtes folks look at this from the wrong perspective
Instead of looking at what is ‘supposed’ to be automated, they look at what ‘can’ be automated
Not to say try automating stuff which does not justify the effort
But the master set should be out of what we are supposed to test, and then find a subset of tests which can use automation effectively
I suggest 4 points to determine this subset:
Excellence is an attitude
Either you have or don’t and it’s not a one time thing
Very few ‘might’ have this from childhood
But many acquire it over time and with practice
Excellence can be a potent driving force behind software quality
Once a culture of excellence is established, then the ride becomes a lot more fun
Debugging Sherlock Style
Can we learn something for Sherlock on how to debug UI automation problems?
There are commonalities between debugging and a crime scene
Both have a couple of unknowns we have to find answers to
With the exception of a murderer trying to clean his tracks..
But debugging complex code bases can be somewhat similar too, in terms of the unknowns
The first thing to learn is study data that is available instead of jumping directly into reproducing the problem
Most often we don’t have enough data (or understanding) which is a situation we should not have in the first place
By analyzing data we can arrive at a very precise reason why there is a failure
Which, in turn, helps us solve the problem in the first or second debug attempt
If not, then the good old ‘buck shot’ method hoping to luckily stumble over the problem is attempted (we are all very familiar with)
For more lessons from Sherlock:
The roots of software quality
Unfortunately were inherited from TQM (Total Quality Management)
We did (try) to tweak those concepts to adjust for software,
However looking back at the path we took, I strongly feel it was not the right one
We are nowhere near the results TQM had in manufacturing
We can’t quantify the quality of a product nor can we measure the impact of testing as accurately
IMHO this has lead the testing community to be a silent spectator in the tech industry
A corner stone to our success would be to quantify the results of testing efforts
There are pockets of folks thinking and working towards it,
But the momentum and impact we need is not there yet.
So let’s begin #RedefiningSoftwareQuality through providing #BusinessValue
My teeny contribution towards this cause:
Testing Micro Services
What changes in a micro service application and how to test that change
Micro-services are where we divide the one big ‘monolithic’ application into multiple specialized applications called micro services
The first change is distribution of functions, module level testing becomes easier, can verify each micro-serice in isolation
Second, verify the orchestration part. New micro-services are ‘initialized’ real time as they are needed, which needs separate testing
Thirdly, integration of modules is now different, best to add more tests around that too
More on that here:
The art of Presenting
Lessons learned while preparing for my talk at #PSQC18
A – The mind remembers things in a specific sequence:
1. Tell them what you want to tell them
2. Tell them
3. Tell them what you told them
B – People might forget everything about a a talk, but they’ll never forget how you made them feel
C – Story telling is one of the best ways we learn, that why right from childhood we are taught in stories
D – Feel empathetic for the audience. Walk in their shoes and feel how best you can relate to them
More on my talk today in upcoming posts..
#PSQC18 #TheArtOfPresenting
The Automation Pyramid’s reason to exist
80% of most application’s code is on the server side
And most of us spend all our energies testing from the front end
That is the what Automation Pyramid illustrates, for us to focus on the server side
It is an impossility to have decent code coverage from front end alone
One has to use te API and DB to get access to otherwise inaccessible code
IMHO this is one of the reasons testers are not valued,
We don’t usually know how to do the job well
So let’s move towards ‘Technological Excellence’
More on that here:
Psychological safety
One of the core concepts for team’s success
I read about this in ‘Smarter Faster Better’ by Charles Duhigg and leaders eat last by Simon Sinek
Both great reads for those in leadership roles
Psychological safety creates a shared belief that all members of the team are safe to take any risk
That helps them innovate more and watch each other’s back
In turn help the group achieve what no one of them could have had individually
The most successful teams studied have a common feature, Psychological safety
The same finding was also found by ‘Project Aristotle’ – A research done by Google to find traits of most successful teams
What is Application Containterizaion?
Breaking your application into ‘micro-services’
We used to have a single huge application server
Having one big service (API) supporting all client side requests
Now we can ‘containerize’ the big service and break it down into many smaller pieces
Each ‘container’ providing a ‘service’ to one specific module / functionality
As needed, these ‘containers’ can be created and destroyed, depending on client’s requests
These type of services are commonly referred to as ‘micro-services’
A very vague and loosely defined terms are used here.
The Magic of continuous Testing
Continuous Delivery is the king maker – and you cannot have that without continuous testing
The biggest problem with releasing software is finding bugs well ahead of time
And this problem is UNIVERSAL
The solution is to have lots of automated regression running at different stages of the SDLC
That’s when the magic happens of continuous testing
When we miss bugs during testing, they keep compounding
Over time we have a giant heap of issues
Continuous testing reduces that heap and allows for smoother releases
More on that here:
Aligning goals of individuals
The biggest challenge in running teams
A lot of people don’t have any ‘real’ goal except earning money, being lazy and comfy
Most of us are un-inspired, and that’s what a leader is for, to INSPIRE people
My Guru (Prof. Fareedy) used to say you need that ‘Fire in the belly’
Where teams are working towards a common goal miracles happen
The first step is ‘having a goal’, companies with visions of ‘maximizing shareholder value’ will not cut it anymore
Have grand and selfless goals, like “eliminating gas leakage related deaths by 2100” (Industrial Scientific)
For more, I’d recommend reading the chapter on culture and goal setting from the book ‘How google works’
Using precise language
The way we use words affects the way we think
In the testing community we unintentionally miscommunicate certain things
A prime example is Test Automation
The word suggests testing is being automated, however ‘testing’ is a thinking and reflecting process which our script do not do
We all know test automation does not mean automating testing
But sometimes we do forget this and succumb to what the word literally means
More on that here:
What to automate?
A complex question to answer
I advocate to first find out what to ‘test’
Then from that set, look for what to automate
Automation is to support the overall testing effort
Following are the few parameters I suggest to look for:
– Frequency of test
– Importance of text
– Ease of automation
– Automation ‘Super Powers’!
Details on that here:
7 lessons from debugging a test automation framework
A TechBeacon article I wrote giving tips on framework design
Event handlers are a must have in framework design
Especially for UI automation scripts
We’ve talked about UI automation being flaky by nature
There has to be a lot of event handling techniques used to make it smooth
And even with all of that, still things WILL fail
So make sure to have failsafe protocols in place or your complete 24 hours batch run might get screwed
Read the MOST interesting debug story I ever experienced and lessons learned here:
Being technical is more important
More important than learning programming
Tester’s confine thier technical advancement to just automation
That is not the way it should be IMHO
There is a lot more about being ‘technical’ than programming and selenium
Understand how the software works, how the technology stack works,
How to test against the entire stack
Learn to ‘think’ on how to develop algorithms
Develop the aptitude to create troubleshoot problems
#RedefiningSoftwareQuality through #TechnologicalAdvancement
Communicating effectively with clients
Communicating effectively with clients
Is something we do wrong most of the time
Roots of software quality were taken from TQM
Communicating with a customer on a tangible product easy
Corresponding on something intangible involving lots of people is hard
And most of the time that’s where we go wrong
Groups of the software vendor and groups at the client end are not always on the same page
The infimous requirement diagram we all have seen is illustrates this very well
The same was my finding on a case study I did on project escalation published here:
Be sure to keep the key stake holders on the same page, and try to stick to it.
HTTP messages for client server communication
How does it work?
The first thing to understand, – it’s REALLY EASY
I use an analogy of posting a letter
You write the senders and receivers address on the envelope with the message inside
The post is delivered as per the address
Once received the envelope is opened and message received
HTTP requests (in fact all communication) works the same way
The message is wrapped in an ‘envelope’ with addresses
On receiving, the addresses are removed and message is delivered
More on that process and HTTP messages construction here:
Software programming requires constant learning
Software programming requires constant learning
The reason why I chose this industry
I studied more about wireless communication than software programming in my engineering
But choosing programming was a deliberate choice
Towards the end of my degree had the chance to visit a BTS installation site
I decided there and then I’ll never choose this field
I’m more interested in creating things, rather than using things designed by someone
I always enjoyed creating things from scratch and make them functional, made me feel accomplished, and to call it mine
Find out what sits well with your personality, it makes all the difference.