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daily post Archives - Page 39 of 39 - Quality Spectrum

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Automation and folks not using tools to test are not opponents.

By |2018-02-05T16:35:38+05:00January 23rd, 2018|daily post|

But how to get the whole testing team on the same page?

I have to mention James Bach and Michael Bolton here, they are right

Not using the right words does have this effect, ideally we shouldn’t even be talking about this as a problem

However the reality is at times it takes some effort to bring folks not using automation tools to get on the same page

And help them understand “they” are the brains of the operation, not the tool guy

A question that came up in the #AutomationGuild 2018 conference

Here is my response:


Should our testing account for the technology stack?

By |2018-02-05T16:35:51+05:00January 22nd, 2018|daily post|

Traditionally it does not, It’s about time we do..

Each technology stack used has its own strengths and weaknesses

For instance using classical ASP vs Java Spring have their own advantages

Testing should consider strengths and weaknesses of the architecure

We all know everything cannot be tested and look for the weak spots..

After all isn’t this what hackers do to find vulnerabilities?

I’d argue that is a type of testing as well..

So let’s start learning to ‘hack-testing’!


A perfect example for the need of #RedefiningSoftwareQuality

By |2018-02-05T16:36:23+05:00January 21st, 2018|daily post|

Horrible automation success measurement metrics like

Traditional Automation ROI calculators
Number of tests automated
Execution time of the batch

What they all don’t show is how many bugs are we preventing to get into the field, how much are we affecting the bottom line

Not to say they don’t have any use at all, but do not suffice to prove automation’s actual contribution

Yes, I don’t have the perfect answer yet, but I am anxiously trying to solve it, and I do believe this is a problem worth solving
For more reading generally on metrics try ‘Deep Work’ – and the term he coined ‘The Metric black hole’

Synopsis of the discussion here:

Should automation use test cases for scripting scenarios?

By |2018-02-05T16:36:01+05:00January 21st, 2018|daily post|

Besides if test cases are good or evil, automation needs good scenarios to begin with.

The purpose of automation is to help testers

If a check automation is running will never be used, what’s the point of automating that?

To get that scenario right, you need to know exactly steps to automate

More on that here:


Legacy products automation – Technological challenges

By |2018-02-05T16:36:35+05:00January 20th, 2018|daily post|

Apparently, they might seem like a harmless and friendly application

Truth be told, sometimes they have a vicious bite

Front ends have lots of custom made JavaScript running around

Hard to find test hooks in, especially with API

Across the whole stack, it might look like an impenetrable fortress

But all is not lost, so long as you understand what you are up against

More on that here:

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