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daily post Archives - Page 35 of 39 - Quality Spectrum

daily post

What to automate?

By |2018-03-08T20:09:29+05:00March 8th, 2018|daily post|

Before answering that, I suggest thinking about ‘what to test’

For those managing automation this question comes early on

The usual answer is automate things that are ‘automatable’

And the same was my thought years ago

Over time I’ve realized we should talk about ‘what to test’ first

If this super set is not correct, actions following this would not be as effective

In this video I talk about 4 things to find out what’s ‘important’ to test

#WhatToAutomate #RSQ

Updating code to fix issues is routine

By |2018-03-07T20:12:35+05:00March 7th, 2018|daily post|

But the architectural change happening near the end should not

Prioritizing fixes across sprints has more to it than meets the eye

The same holds true for changes in automation frameworks

Wide impact changes in the code should be made with significant time ahead to react

Also not to make a series of major changes at once, divide in smaller parts and test it out

For automation frameworks, I try to break an architectural change in chunks and run tests before the next piece

This way it’s easier to debug and fix, plus less painful and daunting to do

More here:


Attitude Vs Aptitude

By |2018-03-06T19:47:12+05:00March 6th, 2018|daily post|

What matters more for automation positions?

Aptitude certainly has value and importance

Unless someone has, what I call, the ‘aptitude for algorithm development’, things would be difficult

However more than often, having or creating that aptitude is not as hard

What’s less common and more important is the attitude

A lacking aptitude can be compensated by a fired up attitude

However, “If there is ‘NO’ will, there is ‘NO’ way”

A person is three times more likely to be dropped based on attitude than aptitude

I must mention, the attitude needed for each job might not be the same

So, just a ‘can do’ attitude might not always sum it up

Build the right attitude, the aptitude will come about on its own.

Managing multiple browsers

By |2018-03-05T18:53:59+05:00March 5th, 2018|daily post|

Do you have multiple scripts for each environment / browser type?

The page URLs can change for each environment / browser

Or in some cases ID’s might also change on certain variables

Not saying this is a good implementation style, however it can be handled for UI automation

You can create project variables specifying the environment, browser or any other affecting variables

Set the variables at the start of project initialization and make them accessible to all classes / methods / functions

The trick is figuring out the pattern of how objects / pages are changing and incorporating that in your framework

Easy to do if you have a framework built around the tool(s)

#RedefiningSoftwareQuality #RSQ

Is cost an important factor when deciding an automation tool?

By |2018-03-05T20:21:47+05:00March 4th, 2018|daily post|

ABSOLUTELY NOT.. Here’s why:

There is a lot of logic you have to create which the tool (or libraries) are lacking

All that effort is to some extend covered by vendor based tools

When you calculate the cost of creating those libraries and the upfront cost of some vendor based tools the math does not add up.

The upfront license cost might be just a one month salary worth of the engineer

And if you don’t have a seasoned person, creating those common routines are certainly going to take more than a month

This does not mean you should buy vendor based tools only..

Don’t go for open source just for the cost.. There are other factors which are more important..

More here:


The “Metric black hole” – from “Deep Work” by Newport

By |2018-03-05T20:22:32+05:00March 3rd, 2018|daily post|

The “Metric black hole” – from “Deep Work” by Newport

Have you seen testing team metrices which don’t feel right?

In pursuit of getting some form of ‘quantitative measure’, sometimes teams end up with non-productive metrices

Like the “Number of bugs captured” during a sprint

The underlying problem is – getting a matrix to gauge productivity of ‘knowledge workers’ is very hard

Specially in certain fields like testing

I also certainly agree with having quantitative measures,

In fact – That’s why one of my values is ‘Generating business Value’

But it should not be at the expense of creating ‘non-effective measures’

More on that here:


Why I decided to have an ‘Automation Blog Book’

By |2018-03-03T14:15:46+05:00March 2nd, 2018|daily post|

I very much dislike the traditional blog style

Categorizing posts by timeline or tags might have been helpful

But whenever I am visiting a new blog, It’s impossible to make sense of things

There is no certain theme, to me feels more like a scrap book

That’s when I thought of having a ‘Blog book’ –

Resembling to a book for having a certain rhythm for the reader

Or at least a Table of Contents giving an idea of the different topics

An in time hoping to make it a great book to read..

“The Automation Blog Book” – #TABB:

Debugging tips

By |2018-03-03T14:16:42+05:00March 1st, 2018|daily post|

Why does it not work the first time?

This can easily become a long and inconclusive research

So let’s narrow down to Automation frameworks for UI side

Firstly, keep your code complexity low, once it passes a certain threshold, it’s INCURABLE (I can go on a rant on this for hours)..

Secondly, don’t just rush to change the first thing that comes to your mind,

Take the time for listing all possible variables that this method affects

Now assuming you are good with thinking of algorithms, script a draft change

If not good at algorithm design, write pseudo code first, then script

Thirdly – Be certain there is a flaw whenever you do a change

Therefore think of what to check before you do the code change and test your code change

Lastly and most importantly – Framework level changes can screw you up big time,

It’s better to invest in planning for these changes, every minute spent planning will save hours debugging

Then I make these changes in separately checked out projects and run the batch with the change before I push it to the master branch

Happy Debugging! Or fake at being happy, whatever works..

A quick introduction to Jenkins

By |2018-03-03T14:20:11+05:00February 28th, 2018|daily post|

The beauty is its simplicity in setting it up and configuration

Common stages you might have:

– Trigger the process

– Compile / build

– Environment setup / Deploy

– Run tests / Package

– Move to the next stage


Plugins for integrations and Agent nodes for executing on other environments make it so powerful

A short history, the main components and features are summed up here:

UI automation’s – ‘three foundations’

By |2018-03-03T14:20:48+05:00February 27th, 2018|daily post|

One of the most popular CI tools

Was created in 2004 by the name Hudson, over time and disputes changed to Jenkins

Wait for object, Find object, Action on object – Repeat

If any of these are weak, getting a robust framework is impossible

Delays –

I have a rule in my teams

There has to be a dynamic delay before each object

And in some cases, a dynamic delay after specific actions (like saving a record)

Finding objects –

One of the most fragile part

That’s why it’s the most important one

No single kill definition, find what works best for your application

Action on object –

Easier than the first two, but as important as nonetheless

One of the main causes why some scenarios are ‘not automatable’


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