Speaking Engagements<\/span><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<\/div> In this award winning talk I shared the story of how testers can make a massive impact by becoming technical and understanding the underlying product\u2019s technology.<\/p>\n<\/div> Shared our quality transformation journey, how we defined the role of test architect and key learnings during the process.<\/p>\n<\/div> An upcoming talk on the role of test leadership in scaled agile.<\/p>\n<\/div> The talk was on an intro to big data, what a data pipeline is, a sample data pipeline, stages of tests you might have and how to add automation in there.<\/p>\n<\/div> Talked about the evolution of big data, technologies used and how types of tests that happen within a big data project. A good introduction for testers interested to get into this field. [Talk recording<\/i><\/u>]<\/a><\/p>\n<\/div> The short story of how ‘Technological Excellence’ became a value near and dear to me which changed my approach to software testing.<\/p>\n<\/div> Overview of how scaled agile embeds agility and DevOps practices, how a CI pipeline should like and the different tests at all stages across.<\/p>\n<\/div> Was part of a round table \/ expert panel to answer questions from the participants on challenges they face in test automation projects. Details in the linked article.<\/p>\n<\/div> The talk is about a story of a tester learning over his career why getting technical background of the product we are working on is important. It gives a good introduction to folks new to testing how their careers can evolve in testing.<\/p>\n<\/div> Discover how to automate embedded, SaaS and ERP systems, so prepare to learn some useful tips and best practices as we Test Talk with Ali Khalid, a test automation expert and enthusiast who has a ton of consulting experience working with all kinds of automation projects.<\/p>\n<\/div> The story shared is of a tester seeing this gap in a product’s testing and fill it by getting under the hood and finding ways to test most critical and unreachable areas of the product, which if left untested could have caused severe damage to the product and the company.<\/p>\n<\/div>Become a pro tester using fault injection<\/strong><\/h3>\n
QA&TEST 2019 – AWARD WINNING TALK<\/strong><\/h3>\n<\/div>
Transforming with SAFe and importance of Test Leadership <\/strong><\/h3>\n
Test Leadership Congress 2020 <\/strong><\/h3>\n<\/div>
Transforming with SAFe and importance of Test Leadership <\/strong><\/h3>\n
Agile Testing Days – USA [2021]<\/strong><\/h3>\n<\/div>
Big data 101 & importance of automation<\/b><\/h3>\n
Automation Guild 2020 <\/strong><\/h3>\n<\/div>
Why do we call it big data and how to test it<\/strong><\/h3>\n
OnlineTestConf 2019<\/strong><\/h3>\n<\/div>
Technological Excellence <\/b><\/h3>\n
Around the world with 80 testers<\/strong><\/h3>\n<\/div>
Continuous Testing practices in Scaled agile<\/strong><\/h3>\n
Karachi Meetup 2019<\/strong><\/h3>\n<\/div>
Round Table Expert<\/strong><\/h3>\n
AutomationGuild 2018<\/strong><\/h3>\n<\/div>
To be Technical or not to be, that is the question<\/strong><\/h3>\n
PSQC 2018 Conference<\/strong><\/h3>\n<\/div>
How to automate Embedded, SaaS and ERP products<\/strong><\/h3>\n
TestTalks Podcast<\/strong><\/h3>\n<\/div>
The Recall, Becoming technical and Averting disaster<\/strong><\/h3>\n
Testing Guild Conference – 2018<\/strong><\/h3>\n<\/div>