A couple of ways to cope with web browser version updates,

Using the AUT’s own JavaScript functions is one way to mitigate issues, let me explain..

Depending on what type of application you are using, there can be custom JavaScript code running on your AUT

For cases like on interacting with a certain control a custom written JavaScript method is called to collect some data and pass to an AJAX call.

Think about it, wouldn’t the developer be using some methods to write data in the fields? Or read data from them?

In few cases they are the same as the Selenium library would use, however in a few cases there would be some custom methods,

Written by the developer or provided by the framework.

For instance, on entering data in an certain element on the web page, a JavaScript method is called parsing the data and sending an HTTP request.

Now instead of trying to interact with the element through Selenium / other library, call the JavaScript method,

Which is going to be called anyway on the mouse click / enter event, but can save you a lot of grief if Selenium has a hard time interacting with the element due to a browser update etc.