DevOps is a mindset change.. BUT

Also requires a hell lot of enablers:


  • CI tool in place (Jenkins, TeamCity..) with hooks to SCM, to creating environments, build & deploy the product, run the tests, and quality gates
  • You may need multiple pipelines


  • Capability to spin up environments (Docker / OpenShift / Cloud..) on demand with desired configurations & tear them down

Static analysis:

  • E.g. SonarQube or any other static analysis

Test data:

  • Mocks / stubs for tests running on lower levels (unit / component)
  • Synthetic data generation on demand
  • Data creation and clean up routines

Test Automation:

  • Unit tests, component tests
  • API tests, contract tests, UI tests

…to mention just a few high level enablers.

The best part – engineers and product owners need to have confidence in all this.

So if you want to transform the way you release your product, have a plan for both:

  • mindset change and how to develop all the enablers you need
  • INCREMENTALLY (waterfall like DevOps is of no use..)

#RedefiningSoftwareQuality #Transformation #DevOps