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daily post Archives - Page 7 of 39 - Quality Spectrum

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Test Automation KPIs

By |2020-07-08T19:48:51+05:00July 8th, 2020|daily post|

What would be the most effective test automation KPI?

Few candidates in my opinion:

  • % (Flaky scripts / total scripts)
  • UI tests vs API tests ratio
  • % stories with automated tests for the acceptance criteria (BDD / ATDD)
  • % (Tests running in CI / total tests)

What others can you think of?

#TestAutomation #Testing #KPIs

Writing user stories

By |2020-07-07T19:32:41+05:00July 7th, 2020|daily post|

There is a lot of good content out there on writing good use stories,

  • Here are few things I try to look out for:
  • Example mapping / Three amigo sessions – VITAL. This will crystallize your acceptance criteria and pointers for tests
  • Ensure the business objective & value is clear
  • Try to assign business value points when possible
  • Estimate relative to other work – Scrum poker helps
  • Definition of Done – Automation scripts, especially on services layer should be a part

The list can surely be longer, with these actions you should be able to write decent user stories resulting in highest value features delivered quickest.

#RedefiningSoftwareQuality #Agile #UserStories #Automation

Agile & documentation

By |2020-07-07T19:36:53+05:00July 4th, 2020|daily post|

Agile does NOT mean no documentation, most teams run into this trap.

It ‘values’ interactions over documentation – so interact with people then document the decisions from the interaction.

For instance, defining service contracts – white board the points, producers and consumers discuss what’s needed,

And after decision is made, then ‘document’ it.

#RedefiningSoftwareQuality #Agile #Testing

Coding doesn’t take much time

By |2020-07-07T19:38:11+05:00July 3rd, 2020|daily post|

Coding a feature is not the bigger problem –

It’s everything ‘around’ that development is what’s hard:

Effort that goes into:
– Making sure we’re building the right thing,
– Adequate testing of what’s developed
– Automated checks to test the functionality across tech stack
– Infrastructure to support development and testing
– Automating deployment across environments
– Observability & alerts to detect any anomalies

So you see, it’s not just ‘writing production code’ anymore. To be truly agile and having DevOps practices there is a lot more that has to be done.

#RedefiningSoftwareQuality #Transformation #DevOps #ContinuousTesting

Automation training start with learning testing

By |2020-07-02T20:09:51+05:00July 2nd, 2020|daily post|

Automation training doesn’t start with learning automation tools,

It start with learning testing fundamentals!

Learn what to test, where in the tech stack to test and how to test.

Next we can talk about what to automate, where and how.

The unfortunate part of many folks lerning automation – their training starts and ends with Selenium

And I say this all the time, you cannot pick a worse place than Selenium with Java to begin with.

Nothing against Selenium or Java, brilliant library & language but that’s not the starting point.

Most people feel what they lack is automation skills, unfortunately often engineers lack “Testing skills”.

If that’s not fixed, you’ll get garbage in and garbage out.

#RedefiningSoftwareQuality #Testing #Automation #TestAutomation #ContinuousTesting

Why flat org structures

By |2020-07-01T19:51:04+05:00July 1st, 2020|daily post|

Some background to ‘flattening the structure’

In the industrial revolution and mass manufacturing era, companies operated with lots of workers doing remedial tasks.

We had hundreds of people doing atomic jobs and funneling up progress & information up the ladder.

After information consolidating across many hierarchical structures, ‘management’ took decisions and sent instructions down the corporate ladder

In the internet age, we don’t have much remedial work left in many places & the speed of operation has phenomenally increased

Workers have been replaced with ‘knowledge workers’

OR ‘Smart creatives’ who are tech savvy, business savvy and are closest to the ground reality

Therefore decisions should not be made at the top, rather by the engineers closest to the situation

Which renders no need to ‘manage’ people and take decisions for engineers, rather just ’empower’ the engineers to take decisions.

Hence the necessity of flatter org hierarchies and Servant leadership

#Transformation #AgileTransformation


Java Or Javascript for automation

By |2020-06-29T19:37:30+05:00June 29th, 2020|daily post|

Which language for automation – Java or JavaScript?

There is NO silver bullet answer and it might not even be these two (Python or Ruby)

Here’s what I have used historically:

  • Browser automation : Javascipt
  • Interacting with the DOM is easier,
  • Using AUT exposed methods is easy
  • Scripting languages quicker to write and lesser code
  • Popular tools: WebDriver, Cypress, NightWatch

Services automation: Java (Where prod code is in Java)

  • Same language as production code – critical for component tests
  • More options for mocks
  • Can reuse prod code (e.g. POJOs)
  • Extensive community support
  • Popular tools: RestAssured, WebTestClient

Again, no silver bullet answer – need to consider various factors to decide for your team.

#TestAutomation #Testing #Programming

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